Tuesday 23 August 2016

School should start later

School should start later

Do you wish you had more time in the mornings to get ready for school and have breakfast? To prevent this I thought maybe school should start at 10:00 instead of 9:00. Hi I'm Jessica and I'm here to argue my point which is school should start later. I dislike it when I get to school and the teachers are grumpy and the students are tired, really tired.

If school started later students would have had time to properly wake up, get ready and have breakfast without being rushed out the door with a 80% chance of forgetting something, which I always do. Did you know that having breakfast equals better behavior and lends to higher test results, which we all want that.

Students that walk or scooter to school will know how cold and horrible the winter mornings are. I know these students would be much happier if they came to school when the temperature in the morning was warmer which usually happens on winter morning.

Teachers arrive at school hours before the students and when the students get to their classroom they can instantly tell that the teachers have woken up on the wrong side of the bed. By starting school later teachers would be able to sleep for a little bit longer and hopefully they will wake up on the right side of the bed!

My friends are always asking me “why are you crying” and then I say “I'm not crying, I'm just really tired” and when I’m tired I make, typo’s in my writing, reading errors and maths, well it's just a disaster. I know it isn’t just me my classmates are yawning twenty four seven, well most of them anyway.

Overall I think teachers, parents and students will agree with this idea and I think we all wish for school to start later so students are at their best and are attending school as much as they possibly can. I am sure the government will put it into to consideration and then students will be healthier and more concentrated.